Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm reading One Day by David Nicholls, scouring the online store "racks" (if you will) for awesome deals on summer clothes, listening to my itunes music on shuffle, watching Sabrina mainly for the clothes, and experimenting with polyvore. I'm definitely not doing this things simultaneously, i mean i'm good but i'm not THAT good!

Still from Sabrina, one of the many beautiful dresses designed by Givenchy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

eleventh of july?

So exactly one week ago was the fourth of July and I didn't have a blog then, but took some crazy cute pictures from the small town parade (the same small town that I used to live in) I went to and although it's a week overdue, who doesn't like to see pictures of little kids decked out in red, white, blue attire any time of the year? I know I do!

One of the floats. All of the kids dressed up in attire from different countries showing how Southold is a melting pot of nationalities!

A group that played bag pipes and super cool drums, plus look at those awesome kilts!

Little boy scouts and behind them are a bunch of kids who decorate their bikes, wagons, etc. with patriotic colored streamers, balloons, ribbons anything really! My friend in like 3rd grade used to decorate his bike every year!

And finally this is a picture of me, my sister's friend, and my sister at the parade! This is on the Suffolk Times webpage in their Fourth of July parade slideshow. All credit goes to their photographer! Don't you just love my patriotic outfit? :) I like to be spirited for the holidays without looking like I'm spirited haha I think I do a good job!

Top- TJMaxx
White cami-Forever 21
White shorts- Ross
Shoes (navy blue Keds)- DSW

*Also if anyone wanted to know I curled my hair with a curling wand, I'm never going back to creasing, clamping curling irons ever again!

I hope you enjoyed! :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

first post!

i finally got my own blog! after months of trying to just come up with a blog title, i finally did it! i was/am part of a collab blog with my friends soyoung and hilary, but wanted my own blog to be able to post whatever and whenever i want. I can also keep up with said friends now as we move on into college and life beyond in 3 different places. i think that's a pretty good intro, so i'll insert my little get-to-know your blogger survey so you can get to know me on a more personal level :) here it is:

1. Do you like chinese food? Ohhhh yes! dim sum, best. stuff. EVER!
2. Favorite comedian? Don't really watch comedians but if comedian like actors count then Jim Carrey
3. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Usually just grape but peach is also delicious
4. Favorite ice cream? Cappuchino crunch, really anything with coffee ice cream or chocolate
5. Tell me a random fact: My first best friend's name was Nino. I came up with this fact so quickly because we have had to do random facts every day in english for the past three weeks
6. Pick a movie quote: "Hey James Bond, in America we drive on the right side of the road." Clueless, one of my favorite movies
7. Favorite quote: "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible!' " -Audrey Hepburn
8. Name a couple of favorite colors: pink, blue, aquamarine
9. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?) I have heard of the band but don't listen to them avidly so no favorite song
10. Favorite online store: asos
11. Favorite music genre: I really like it all except classical, country, screamo, death metal. Okay so maybe not all. I guess I'm more alternative rock, pop, songs on the radio, and anything you can dance to.
12. All-time favorite blogger: I don't follow too many blogs but I always look for new posts by abutterflybyday, check them out!
12. Favorite clothing brand: I like a lot, and I mostly shop at store like ross, tj-maxx, so I get a lot of different brands rather than stick with just one.
13. Describe your personal style in three words: simple/casual and black (although I don't wear black all the time, I do have a lot of it. But, I'm trying to buy more colors for my wardrobe).

hope you enjoyed! :)